Tree Sculpture

The Tree Sculpture was a public art intervention created in collaboration with the group ESC (Environmental and  Social Change)

The piece is related to the protests against illegal logging and deforestation in Romania and its documentation was also presented during the awareness raising event organised by ESC at the Romanian Cultural Center in London –‘The Battle for Europe’s Last Virgin Forests’

The piece is based on an instructional poetical text.

The Tree Sculpture -Description


The Tree Sculpture is a participatory art project  that describes the creation of a collective sculpture out of the fallen tree branches found nearby the houses of the participants.

Each participant will bring one found tree branch and at the chosen site and, together, they will create a sculpture by connecting them (with paper tape or strings).

It is very important that each person places his/her tree branch in relation to the structure created by the others.

The result will be a sculptural structure, a symbolical gesture referring to the forests cut fiercely.

The sculpture will be constructed in front of the Austrian Embassy, on the day of the protest.

It will later be reconstructed in a gallery setting and shown together with a film of the performance.


Branch-sculpture 1:



Poetic text :

The Tree Sculpture

                      (a poem to be lived)


Walk around your house looking closely at the trees growing nearby.

Look at the sky inside and outside the trees,

Look at the light falling on and from the branches,

Look at the shadow falling on and from them,

Then smell the light, and the shadows, and the cracking sky

And look at the ground around the tree,

Fumble through the cracks in the sunlight

And you will find a thin, fallen, old branch

Hidden in the grass.

Take it with you for the journey,

Carry it as if you are carrying a sculpture.

Have a meeting place with friends who have done the same as you.

Connect your branch-sculptures, each one of you at a time,

And build together a Sculpture of sculptures.

Leave your Sculpture there,

under the sky,

or take it to your house

or to a gallery.


Let this be a sculpture-cry

For all the forests that have been cut

Heartlessly …


                                                                    (poem-sculpture by Emanuela Marcu)


                (un poem pentru a fi trait)


Mergi in preajma casei tale,

Priveste indeaproape copacii care cresc in apropiere,

Priveste cerul dinauntrul si dinafara copacilor,

Priveste lumina cazand peste ramuri si din ele,

Priveste umbra cazand peste ramuri si din ele.

Apoi miroase lumina, si umbrele, si cerul increngurat.

Si priveste pamantul din jurul copacului

Scotoceste printre carapaturile de lumina

Si vei gasi o ramura firava, cazuta, invechita

Ascunsa in iarba.

Ia-o cu tine in drumul tau,

Poart-o cu tine asa cum porti o sculptura.

Alege-ti un loc in care sa te intalnesti cu prieteni ce au facut la fel

Legati ramurile-sculpturi una de alta, fiecare pe rand,

Si construiti impreuna o Sculptura de sculpturi.

Lasati-va Sculptura acolo,

Sub cer,

Sau duceti-o acasa,

Sau la o galerie.


Fie ca acesta sa fie un strigat-sculptura

catre toate padurile ce au fost taiate

Fara inima …                                          

                                                                                                   (poem-sculptura de Emanuela Marcu)